The Cost of Cancer

Cancer is one of the most costly medical conditions in the United States, and treatment continually becomes more expensive every year. With Chemotherapy, radiation, and pharmaceuticals rising in price every year insurance is covering less of the bill or raising premiums and copays. This results in a large amount of patients left to pay the remaining amounts out of their own pockets.


Extra Expenses

The financial burden of cancer comes from many other factors besides the actual treatment including travel, food, medications, lost wages, and home care. This leaves patients with no options but to cut down on their treatments.

Income and Cost

The average income is $3,600 for a full-time worker. Even with employee health care many are only covered around 25% of their bills, leaving the rest to come from their own savings.

What We Want to Achieve

The Cool Cat Club focuses on giving back to the patients in a way that is most impactful. Through our financial aid we are able to help patients focus on their disease more and worry less about how they will pay the next bill. We realized how big of a problem the financial side of the cancer journey is and saw an opportunity to help.