The Original Cool Cat


Pete Anella

Pete lived his life in a way that exhibited what it means to be a cool cat. From living in Vegas, traveling around the globe, and impacting so many people, he lived life by his own rules. His personality was unmatched and he always had a smile on his face. One of the things that made him the happiest was meeting and being around others. Throughout his life he was able to touch so many lives. Anytime he came in contact with people, he made them feel like they were the most important person in the world. His goal was to brighten others’ day, and he was great at it. Pete had a long battle with cancer. Even towards the end of his journey, he kept this quality and would make jokes to his doctors and nurses. He always kept a positive attitude and never gave up, even to the last day.

“Its Nice to be Nice, and It’s Neat to be Pete”

The life and character of Pete Anella inspired the creation of The Cool Cat Club. His legacy of helping others will live on, and the memory of his incredible life will never be forgotten.